muzyka nordycka    Szwecja    A   Anna Järvinen

Man var bland molnen

Data wydania:   23 marca 2009 r.

Wytwórnia płytowa:   Häpna | Playground

Producent:   Gustav Ejstes

Drugi szwedzkiej wokalistki.

W czerwcu 2009 r. wydana została także w Japonii.

Nagrana przy udziale następujących muzyków: Reine Fiske - gitara, Fredrik Swahn - gitara basowa, gitara, Mattias Bergqvist - perkusja, Johan Holmegard - perkusja, Gustav Ejstes - fortepian, organy, skrzypce, flet, Leo Svensson - wiolonczela, Anders Nygårds - skrzypce,

Na pierwszy singiel z albumu został wybrany utwór "Äppelöga", pierwotnie wykonywany przez popowy zespół Ingentings, autorami utworu są wokalista Christopher Sander oraz Alf Håkan Åkesson. Texten till låten "Ruth" är inspirerad av Margareta Strömstedts bok "Natten innan de hängde Ruth Ellis".

Płyta zadebiutowała w Szwecji na pozycji 18 listy najlepiej sprzedajacych się albumów pozostając w zestawieniu przez 5 tygodni, w fińskim zestawieniu bestsellerów pojawiła się na miejscu 8, również pozostając w klasyfikacji przez 5 tygodni.

I was feeling was a memorable debut, which immediately established Anna Järvinen on the Swedish indie pop scene. The sequel is, believe it or not, even better. The songs have the same high class, the difference lies primarily in the musical setting and production. Gustav Ejstes has dissipated the fog that lay over his debut, allowing one hears Anna Järvi's dreamy vocals and the slightly psychedelic folk rock music in a much better way. There is much to highlight, but probably feels like you're in the clouds when Reine Fiske guitar in here, you are a mockery sits down next to Lasse Wellander in Melodifestivalen Orchestra 1981st.

First, you will be disappointed if it does not sound quite the same as on the sublime debut. Then you realize that this is even better. Anna Järvinen has deepened its cooperation with Dungen, and the result is an album where every sound more room. Her voice is further forward in the mix, while the recorder, prog rock and sheer pianoklink come together jointly on a disc that is varied, beautiful, rich and single - all at the same time.

Sweden has its own Françoise Hardy. I know, it's great words. But I dare say it. On its second album puts Anna Järvinen fransyskans brittle fragility in the middle of the Swedish summer, with the help of producer Dungen-Gustav's gentle hand. The atmosphere is as exuberant as melancholy knows everything there vackras transience. The feather-light melodies running barefoot down to the lake and night swimming. Their white skin knottrar in the cold but warmed by the knowledge that they are heading straight into the Great Swedish Songbook. Best track: Äppelöga.

Kenta also appears as a reference when you listen to Anna Järvi's new album. Anna Järvinen was a singer in the band Granada (1998-2004), whose delicate music was heard in two commercials for anti-bullying campaign Friends, "Invisible" and "Redhead". Then solo debut Anna Järvinen fall of 2007 with one of the 00 century's most critically acclaimed album, "I got the feeling". Although the sequel "You were in the clouds" is characterized by a use of language, both in title and lyrics, reminiscent of the pundarjargong that was heard in the Jarl documentaries about Kenta & Stoffe. The song title is spelled "Sosial skills." The chorus says, "You are so fiiiiiin". While the music itself, congenially arranged and produced by Gustav Ejstes from Dungen, smells organic 70's with flute, organ and harmonica. The new green wave that Sweden is currently experiencing in diet and lifestyle is reflected in the highest degree, even in music. But what on paper might seem like a musical romanticization of Hassela collective sounds, strangely enough, quite obvious in practice. Anna Järvinen stepping this up as one of Sweden's most original and talented artists.

Tekst piosenki "Ruth" zainspirowała książka Margarety Strömstedts "Natten innan de hängde Ruth Ellis".

lista utworów:

1.  Låt Det Dö - 3:54

2.  Äppelöga - 3:25

3.  Sosial Kompetens - 3:25

4.  Boulevarden - 5:38

5.  Här Är Du Ett Hån - 3:59

6.  Är Det Det Här Det Hela Handlar Om - 4:44

7.  Ruth - 4:37

8.  Tänker Inte Säga Mer - 3:46

9.  Såhär - 4:25

10.  Nattmusik - 4:39